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Image Copyright 2020 - Angelina Bellebuono

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Stevie Nicks' song "Gypsy"

March 2008

August 2009

Gypsy was our first bottle baby. She came to us from a production farm in April 2008 at four weeks old. Even at that young age she had beautiful colors and pendulous ears. We were unprepared for a goat that young and Gypsy suffered hypothermia after an unusual April cold snap. But, with the help of our long time veterinarian, Gypsy pulled through and temporarily moved into the house where it was warm. She eventually moved out into the pasture with the original four does. She grew and loved life but would periodically go through spells of unexplained illness. She spent a great deal of time under the care of veterinarians and at the UGA Veterinary Hospital. After much testing and investigation, Gypsy became the first goat to get an MRI at UGA. Unfortunately it revealed an abscess in her brain and we decided to put her down.

Gypsy became the inspiration for Angelina's "Goat Ballad" artwork and photography show. She taught us resilience, love, and how to care for baby goats, which we did successfully many times in subsequent years. Gypsy was not the first, but she was the beginning of OakHaven Farm Goat Sanctuary.

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